Green Stal Trading
GREEN STAL is one of the biggest STEEL SERVICES CENTRES of the Romanian market with the HQ and warehouse located in Bucharest. The equity of the company is 100% Romanian. The company founded in 2008, has as main goal the distribution of high quality steel products, at the very low prices accompanied by outstanding services in the whole Romanian territory.
Who are we?
Our services
Debitare EN
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Canelare EN
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Filetare EN
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Ofertare 24/7 EN
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Livrare 24/7 EN
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Why Green Stal?
- We are not traders, we are stocking all the products advertised on in our Bucharest warehouse.
- The passion to make the things right in a honest way. We are humble and laser-focus people.
- We directly import all the products traded from our Bucharest warehouse. No intermediaries.
- Probably the lowest prices in Romania, within the steel products sector.
- At the beginning of 2017, our stocks present at Bucharest warehouse exceeded 2.5 mil euro.
- During 2008-2017 period, Green Stal was present at more than 500 big projects in Romania (stadiums, big store centers, huge line-pipes, construction of DIY stores of high dimmensions and so on).
Our Products

24h Livrare din depozit EN

Flota auto proprie EN

15.000 tone stoc produse metalurgice EN

Preturi foarte mici EN